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The rock complexes are evidence of subduction (collision) process between the Eurasian continental plate the Indian Ocean Plate that occurred during the Cretaceous age (>65 million years ago). In Cikepuh area can be seen the oldest rock complex in West Java which formerly came from the outermost layer of the earth's mantle on the ocean plate, the ophiolite group (peridotite, gabro, anortosit, basal lava), and deep sea sedimentary rocks.In this location is also found metamorphic rocks produced due to the collision process between the plates, namely schist, phyllite, amphibolite and serpentinite and quartzite. Mixed rocks (mélange sediments) can also be seen in the area of Mount Badak that resemble breccias of various materials which are a collection of rocks from oceanic plates and continental plates and fall into the very deep trench formed during the collisions between the plates. Thus all types of rock can be found in the melange complex, ranging from ophiolites, metamorphic rocks, igneous rocks from continental plates and sedimentary rocks deposited on the trench, such as quartz- conglomerate sandstone and tuff sandstone as well sedimentary breccia and nummulites limestone.
Subduction fossils at Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu Geopark consist of several geosites which can be visited both for geotourism and for research. Geosites with the theme of subduction fossils include:
1. Gunung Badak Geosite
2. Gunung Beas Geosite
3. Sodong Parat Geosite
4. Pasir Luhur Geosite
5. Citirem Beach Geosite
6. Batu Naga Geosite
7. Legon Pandan Geosite
Sub-distric Cikakak [A1]
Sub-distric Cikakak [B3]
Sub-distric Palabuhanratu [B5]
Sub-distric Palabuhanratu [B8]
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Sub-distric Waluran [G3]
Sub-distric Waluran [G6]
Sub-distric Surade [H8]
Sub-distric Ciemas [D3]
Sub-distric Ciwaru [F3]
Sub-distric Ciemas [F4]
Sub-distric Cikakak [A8]
Sub-distric Cikidang [B6]
Sub-distric Palabuhanratu [B7]
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Sub-distric Ciemas [E2]
Sub-distric Ciemas [F11]
Sub-distric Waluran [G4]
Sub-distric Waluran [G5]
Sub-distric Ciracap [H3]
Sub-distric Ciemas [x]
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Ciletuh-Palabuharatu Geopark All rights reserved | Designed & developed by @Kominfo Kab.Sukabumi