
UNESCO Global Geopark

Cultural Diversity Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu UNESCO Global Geopark
West Java, Indonesia

Heritage of Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu

Cultural Diversity


Tangible Heritage refers to physical artefacts produced, maintained and transmitted intergenerationally in a society. It includes artistic creations, built heritage such as buildings and monuments, and other physical or tangible products of human creativity that are invested with cultural significance in a society.

Tangible Cultural Heritage constitutes the cornerstone of activities, projects and programmes of the Culture Unit. UNESCO Ramallah Office continuously engages with local actors for interventions at the policy level, but also during the implementation of projects, as well as building the national capacities of relevant Palestinian cultural institutions. Throughout the years, work included the development of master plans for archaeological parks, conservation, rehabilitation and adaptive re-use of historic buildings, conservation and management plans for historic towns and villages as well as cultural landscapes.