Sukabumi Regent H. Marwan Hamami visited the demonstration site I-fish Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) while inaugurating an eel nursery unit to strengthen cooperation in inland fisheries management between the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries and the Sukabumi Regency Government. The visit and inauguration were carried out at the Tonjong Fish Seed Center-Palabuhanratu. Wednesday (16/12/2021).
The Regent Explained that the best and the largest eel resources in the world are in Indonesia, especially in Sukabumi Regency, precisely at the mouth of the Cimandiri river. "Seeing this potential, I pay great attention to the sustainability of the eel fishery business, although the development of the potential of eel has been carried out, such as land acquisition for eel seed development centers, studies on eel habitation and efforts to empower coastal communities in eel cultivation" Obviously.
Furthermore, the Regent said that the FAO i-fish program is an integral part of the implementation of the Sukabumi district government's priority projects in improving life skills and developing entrepreneurship in fish farming, including eel. "With the hard work that we have done so far, it is hoped that this eel demosite financed by FAO will become an example of how to cultivate glass eel into elver and BBI tonjong to become a center for providing quality eel seeds for the eel cultivating community in Sukabumi Regency," he said.
Previously the Head of the Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Kab. Sukabumi, Abdul Kodir said that at BBI an eel enlargement pilot was conducted. "Today we want to show a pilot demonstration plot of eel enlargement at BBI Tonjong and the symbolic distribution by the Regent of Sukabumi," he explained.
On that occasion the Regent of Sukabumi H. Marwan Hamami carried out the release of eels in the Tonjong River channel..