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The central part of the Ciletuh- Palabuhanratu Geopark exist a plateau known as the Jampang Plateau which
stretches from Simpenan, Ciemas, Waluran to Surade. This plateau is composed of sandstones and rocks resulting from ancient volcanic eruptions in the form of volcanic ash and lava flows that were deposited in the marine environment and, due to
geological processes, were raised to the surface to form a plateau. In regional physiography, this plateau is part of the Southern Mountain belt which extends to Pangandaran.
In the westem part of the Jampang Plateau there is a unique landscape which is called the Ciletuh amphitheater. This horseshoe-shaped landscape phenomenon is a very rare and prominent geological site, making it a geological heritage that needs to be protected. This landscape is shaped similar to a horseshoe that resembles an open-air mega amphitheater towards
Ciletuh Bay. The landscape with dimensions of about 15 x 9 km was formed due to geological processes during the Pleistocene era which caused the western part of the Jampang plateau to experience landslides into the sea. Evidence of this structural process is the existence of more than 9 waterfalls along the amphitheater walls such as Curug Awang, Cimarinjung, Sodong, Puncakmanik, and triangular facet hills on some of the amphitheater cliffs. The latest research results state that the large landslide phenomenon was probably triggered by a falling meteor in the area during the Plistocene era (Ummah et al, 2018).
Geosite which represents the theme of Jampang Plateau, among others:
1. Jampang Plateau Geosite
2. Luhur Cigangsa Waterfall Geosite
3. Leuwikenit Geosite
4. Ciletuh Amphitheater Morphology Geosite
5. Puncak Jeruk Waterfall Geosite
6. Waluran Rock Garden Geosite
7. Waluran Bunker and Columnar Joint Geosite
8. Gentong Waterfall Geosite
9. Cikarang Estuary Geosite
Sub-distric Simpenan dan Ciemas [C2]
Sub-distric Ciemas [G9]
Sub-distric Ciemas [E3]
Sub-distric Ciemas [F7]
Sub-distric Ciemas [F5]
Sub-distric Ciemas [D1]
Sub-distric Ciemas [D8]
Sub-distric Waluran [G10]
Sub-distric Surade [H6]
Sub-distric Cidadap [C7]
Sub-distric Ciemas [D10]
Sub-distric Ciemas [F8]
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Ciletuh-Palabuharatu Geopark All rights reserved | Designed & developed by @Kominfo Kab.Sukabumi