
UNESCO Global Geopark

List of

Erosion Process

Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu UGG

The process of erosion, abrasion and weathering that occur in the Ciletuh Formation sedimentary rocks of Eocene-age and the Jampang Formation rocks of Lower Miocene-age have produce unique shapes and colors. The shape that is produced will depend on the difference in hardness of the rocks composition that compose it, the velocity of water, wind or waves that cause
erosion of the rocks, and the influence of climate. So that the erosion process produces unique rock forms such as Batu Kodok, Batu Naga, Batu Catur (rocks resembling the shape of frog, dragon, and chess respectively), as well as in the form of caves such as Sodongparat, Karanghawu, and Karangbolong sea caves. In addition, erosion also causes the formation of small islands which are separated from the mainland or known as "sea-stack" such as in Cikarang Estuary.
Geosite that is good for observing the erosion process are:
1. Cisolok-Cikakak Area (Karang Hawu) Geosite
2. Batu Naga Geosite
3. Legon Pandan Geosite
4. Ciletuh Bay Geosite
5. Gunung Sungging Cave Geosite
6. Karangbolong Beach Geosite
7. Sodong Parat Geosite
8. Cikarang Estuary Geosite
9. Sodong Parat Geosite

Karang Hawu Beach is located in Cisolok Subdistrict, Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi Reg...

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Karang Hawu Beach

Sub-distric Cisolok [B2]

This rocky complex forms a small peninsula or promontory. These rocks outcrops o...

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Tanjung and Sodong Parat Cave

Sub-distric Ciemas [D2]

This stone is called batik stone because is motif like a traditional fabric. Its...

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Dragon Stone and Batik Stone

Sub-distric Ciemas [D4]

This beach is located in the southern part of the geopark, consisting of upper...

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Karang Bolong Beach

Sub-distric Surade [H9]

This area is the Cikarang River estuary as the second largest river in the geopa...

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Cikarang Estuary Beach

Sub-distric Ciracap [H4]