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Forest conservation areas in Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu UNESCO Global Geopark occupy more than 25% of geopark area. Within this conservation area there are a variety of protected rare plants and animals. These conservation areas iclude: Gunung Halimun Salak National Park which is partly included in Cisolok and Cikakak sub-districts; Sukawayana Nature Reserve. Tangkubanparahu Nature Reserve; Cibanteng Nature Reserve; Cikepuh Wildlife Reserve, Cipeucang Conservation Forest; as well as mangrove conservation forest in Cikadal. In addition,conservation areas for geological heritage sites are mostly located within the Cikepuh Wildlife Reserve, Cibanteng Nature Reserve, and Cipeucang Conservation forest. For the upcoming conservation program, it will be designated as Geological Nature Reserve.
Sub-distric Ciemas [F10]
Sub-distric Waluran [G8]
Sub-distric Ciemas [E1]
Sub-distric Palabuhanratu [x]
Head Office
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Ciletuh-Palabuharatu Geopark All rights reserved | Designed & developed by @Kominfo Kab.Sukabumi