
UNESCO Global Geopark

Information of

Cikepuh Wildlife Reserve

Cibanteng Wildlife and Cikepuh Nature Reserve serves as a protected area for wildlife such as turtle (Chelonia mydas and Chelonia imbricata), buffalo (Bos javanicus), deer (Indian muntjac). Other animals such panthera pardus melas, sea eagle, hylobates moloch, presbytis comata, Javanese monkey (trachypithecus auratus), rhyticeros undulatus, long-tailed macaca fasiculata; sus scrofa, varanus sp., squirrel, snakes, and various species of birds. In addition, there are other varieties of fauna underwater of Ciletuh Bay. This conservation area has a diversity of rare and endemic plants such as various types of bamboo, Laban, Malacca, Jeunti, billowing, Santigi, Waru, Sonokeling, various kinds of mangroves that grow in coastal areas. Raflesia Padma also grow around the Puncakmanik falls, Gunung Cupu, and Cipeucang. In addition there is also a diversity of coral reefs underwater of Ciletuh Bay.


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