SUKABUMI – Ahead of the revalidation of the Ciletuh Palabuhanratu UNESCO Global Geopark (CPUGGp), the Sukabumi Regency Government held a coordination evaluation meeting for the preparation of the CPUGGp revalidation in the meeting room of the Geopark Information Center (GIC) Citepus, Wednesday (6/4).
Deputy Regent of Sukabumi Iyos Somantri said the coordination meeting was to evaluate the arrangement of the Unesco Global Geopark tourist attraction area, especially the maintenance of facilities in the area.
"There are several tourist attractions in the CPUGG area that need to be repaired, so we are holding this coordination meeting in preparation for the 2022 revalidation. This is also a follow-up to the 13 recommendations set by UNESCO and we are all ready," said Iyos.
Iyos continued, remaining non-technical such as accessibility and amenities and/or geosites to be visited. The facilities that must be repaired include the entrance gate to the tourist attraction area, asphalting of access roads, arrangement of plants, infrastructure, and cleaning facilities.
“Especially what needs to be improved is the entrance gate to the Ciletuh Geopark area. For example, at the Bagbagan Gate, which is one of the main entrances," he explained.
He hopes that all can be committed in matters relating to the Unesco Global Geopark certificate. "Together, we have been trying to create a Geopark, as a world-class tourism, so it takes our consistency to be committed to maintaining it," he said.
Meanwhile, the Daily Chairperson of the Sukabumi Regency BPCPUGGp, Dodi Somantri, added that the coordination was to discuss preparations for the 2022 CPUGGp revalidation by UNESCO. This is so that the Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Geopark again bears UNESCO recognition and maintains the status of UNESCO Global Geopark.
"The review will be carried out by the UNESCO Assessor Team in May, so we need to be well prepared from now on," he said.